Suneta Bagri (FCCT)

Founder: Turning Point Education

As school leaders, you experience constant change, successes and challenges. Turning Point Education builds on your achievements to move your school forward. Working with Suneta and her associates, you will be supported every step of the way on your journey.

  • Over 25 years' experience in the primary sector: Interim headteacher in a range of challenging schools.
  • School Improvement Partner, SENDCo, Inclusion expert.
  • Award-winning coach with Leadership Edge & Education Support.
  • DfE Approved provider of Senior Mental Health Lead training.
  • Wellbeing coach and consultant.

Core Beliefs

  • Every child has a right to a truly great education, including personal, social and emotional support.
  • Pupil mental wellbeing goes hand in hand with staff mental wellbeing.
  • Leadership coaching is a supportive process, built on mutual respect and collaboration.   
  • School improvement is built on the successes and achievements of your school.

Suneta will work with you to overcome barriers and:

  • Provide Headteacher and Senior Leadership coaching.
  • Enable you to create a coaching culture across the school.
  • Equip you to lead a school coaching culture. 
  • Develop coaching teams 
  • Raise the self-esteem and confidence of both staff and learners.
  • Collaborate to support Early Career Teachers through a coaching framework.

Suneta will apply her specialist knowledge of SEND to support your school to:

  • Carry out a comprehensive audit of children with SEND.
  • Ensure your EHCPs meet the criteria and specify the additional support each child requires.
  • Support the SENCO in their role.
  • Integrate SEND intervention with quality first teaching and learning.
  • Ensure your school meets the legal requirements of SEND law.


Suneta will use her supervision and mediation qualifications and experience to:

  • Provide reflective supervision support to the Headteacher and Senior Leaders.
  • Offer mediation in SEND reviews and tribunals.
  • Train staff in pupil conflict mediation.
  • Act as a mediator to resolve serious internal staff disputes or conflicts. 


Suneta will support you to:

  • Build a culture of staff wellbeing and mental health.
  • Develop strategies to address pupils' mental challenges.
  • In conjunction with Teach Well Toolkit, deliver DfE fully funded Senior Mental Health Lead training.
  • Create a vision and action plan for your school's development.